Prerequisites. ACTION:. After changing the ACU settings for the cluster. Knowing your production capacity gives you the chance to improve production planning and production scheduling, give more accurate lead times, and forecast your cash flow. Enterprise environments can have up to 4 clustered nodes. However, before changing the way MicroStrategy Web products look or behave, it is helpful to understand how the application is built. For more information regarding the MicroStrategy products or the process of customizing MicroStrategy products, please refer to MicroStrategy Developer Zone (MicroStrategy projects on each Intelligence Server can be configured to log usage statistics to the staging tables. 4. Give the non-administrator user control to C:/Program Files (x86)/MicroStrategy and C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/MicroStrategy folders. MicroStrategy for. Efficiently manages thousands of end-user requests (jobs. What is the reason for the. Failover is a key feature in a. Database specific settingsBy default MicroStrategy will still send Intelligence Server diagnostic logs to local disk. In the Server drop-down list, select the name of the machine on which the service is installed. Select the Directory Security tab, and then under Anonymous access and authentication control, click Edit. The following steps will show you how to register/deregister your Server Instance and other ports from the Application Load Balancer: Click the blue plus button to expand the environment details. 2. You can use the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard to upgrade your statistics repository. Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics and data integration. 52K. mstrexec-iserver: WARNING: maximum number of open files 256 is low; please increase to 1000 or greater. It turns data into reports for making and executing key organization decisions. 11, 10. 8. Ensure auth. You can use the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard to upgrade your statistics repository. MicroStrategy Library. max: 1/4 of the number of CPU cores. After watching this 3 minutes video you will be able to test mstrio library (based on REST API) yourself. To manually configure the MicroStrategy Repository, Platform Analytics, and the Collaboration Server database user, schema, and warehouse, use the steps below: Prerequisite : Ensure the mstr user, or any other non-root user used to register services, is a valid system user and able to log in. After installation, user may need to check those folder path to locate specific files. It turns data into reports for making and executing key organization decisions. microstrategy. Currently this issue is being reviewed by MicroStrategy for a potential code fix on an upcoming MicroStrategy release. Watch on. Make sure all Intelligence Server nodes are running during the life-time of Library Server. The preferences are stored in memory. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrostrategyMicrostrategy Broadcast Server7. xml" file contains the state information of the Intelligence Server. If a name is not specified, the command uses the default instance name. The DNS needs to recognize the entry as a machine and be able to resolve its. To allow MicroStrategy Web users to access projects, you must create a connection between a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server and MicroStrategy Web. mstr file is actually a . In 2019 Update 2, it takes eight minutes to load the same three projects from the same metadata. Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. This section describes the errors you may encounter when using the Modeling service and how to troubleshoot them. The following best practices can help ensure that users get the most accurate results from a performance test: Performance comparison tests should be run as single-project integrity tests. Change the "<Servername>" to the desired MicroStrategy Intelligence Server and save the changes. mstr file can be opened in MicroStrategy Desktop and MicroStrategy Workstation. This technical note will explain six methods for determining which server definition is currently being used:Click on Access MicroStrategy Platform to open MicroStrategy Web. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN used to connect to the metadata repository. However, before changing the way MicroStrategy Web products look or behave, it is helpful to understand how the application is built. So MicroStrategy Intelligence Server has to be re-started for this setting change to take effect. Intelligence (I-Server) Homepage MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is the architectural foundation of the MicroStrategy platform. However, before changing the way MicroStrategy Web products look or behave, it is helpful to understand how the application is built. Enter the User Name and Password for the database. KB13943: How to change the log destination for the DSSErrors. In the Action column in the Unconnected servers list, click Connect for the Intelligence Server to connect to. x or 10. It performs the following critical tasks for the MicroStrategy BI platform: Runs queries, performs calculations, and formats reports. csv file to keep a record of their settings, or import a previously save file to apply the setting to a project. renderer. x and 11. x in Microsoft IIS to use Anonymous authentication, but for security reasons, would want to have the MicroStrategy Web Administration page to authenticate using Windows authentication, the following steps will ensure that a user must enter the application server's administrative credentials in order. So even if the usage is for the regular Single-Byte Character Set (SBCS), it is calculated as two bytes per character so that there is a. Internet or Intranet specification will depend on your connection. The following are the methods that support connecting to and disconnecting from a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server: MOIOffice. Steps. For more information about Enterprise Manager, see the Enterprise Manager Guide. To retrieve a list of services on a machine, use the command mstrctl -m machinename ls. In 2019 Update 1, it took one minute to load three projects. Memory Contract Manager (MCM) is designed to protect Intelligence Server in cases where a memory request would cause the system to approach a state of memory depletion. jks at this time via the sslClientKeystore parameter in the microstrategy. To install the MicroStrategy Library components, select the following features when prompted. Iserver is on windows server, web server is apache tomcat. From the Folder List, expand Administration, then expand System Monitors, then expand Caches, and select Intelligent Cubes. You need to increase the ulimit parameters by running ulimit -n 65534. This video walks through the process of directly importing data from a Salesforce report into MicroStrategy Desktop 10. The test is for a single cube (4M rows) republish executed on the MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 release with platform as 32 CPU, 244 GB memory Amazon Linux machine. If the Startup type of the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server on 'M1' is set to 'Automatic', the available projects appear automatically. x, users may notice that the "Maximum quota per user (MB)" governing setting (located in Developer under Project configuration > Governing rules > Import Data) is applied at the Intelligence Server node level instead of the Intelligence Server cluster level. Step 2. Click Project Defaults from the Menu in the left. The 'Maximum RAM for Working Set cache' is the governor that modulates the size of the WorkingSet Result Pool. The MicroStrategy Listener will monitor the Windows NT Application Event Log for new log entries and uses the log entry of Category 12 from the 'MSTRServer' Source as an indication that MicroStrategy Intelligence Server has been started. Determines how distinct counts of values are retrieved from partitioned tables. Navigate to Configure MicroStrategy Intelligence Server > Web Single Sign-on. However, before changing the way MicroStrategy Web products look or behave, it is helpful to understand how the application is built. Select one of the following to determine when and how MicroStrategy Web. Increase the size of Maximum RAM for Working Set cache to a higher value. In the Service drop-down list, select MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. zip file, with the. You can use a linear or exponential extrapolation to plot how increase in user load will drive resource consumption. KB6446: How to increase the heap size of the Java Virtual Machine to handle large result data objects with MicroStrategy Web 9. KB440719. A list of Web Preferences can be found in the MicroStrategy Enumeration EnumWebPreferences in the MicroStrategy Developers Library Java API Reference. 11. x and newer, the following information is needed: LDAP version 3 compatible Directory Server that supports Clear text or LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) communications. Project. Memory mapped files (MMF) can be used for effective RAM utilization. The video also presents how the data from Salesforce reports is converted to MicroStrategy attributes and metrics. Clear the Enable anonymous access check box. How to increase the Java Heap size in Tomcat Application Server;. Before following this KB article, the following prerequisites must have been completed: Make sure that the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is configured correctly to use Integrated Authentication as per the following technical note KB19110Workstation for both Windows and Mac OS has a set of log files that can be found or enabled for troubleshooting purposes. xxin omcat9w. Locate the web. The following knowledge base article explains the process to modify the diagnostics logging for MicroStrategy components from the command line in Windows and Unix environments. Dynamic Sourcing can be enabled by going to Project Configuration ->Intelligent Cubes ->General ->Enable Dynamic Sourcing. 1, administrators can delete trust relationships through MicroStrategy Developer. Depending on the version installed (as a best practice no higher than the 25% of the available RAM in the server), the Maximum working set RAM values to are is on the following list:Before MicroStrategy 9. yaml are backed up by this tool. maxPoolSize. Preparation before taking Platform Analytics Repository dump: a. Tips and troubleshooting. By default, it is 34952, but ask your MicroStrategy. If the Startup type of the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server on 'M1' is set to 'Automatic', the available projects appear automatically. Get an estimated database size . Choose the individual modules to be logged. The memory used by Intelligence Server is limited by the machine's virtual memory. Introduction Integrated Authentication to the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server utilizes the Kerberos authentication protocol to provide a Single Sign-On capability for MicroStrategy users connecting from Web or Developer from a Microsoft Active Directory environment. Afterwards you will see Kafka log files created in the Kafka. UNIX/Linux: After you deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal and log on to the mstrWebAdmin servlet using proper. 1 and above KB10384: How to increase the Java Heap size in Tomcat Application Server Beginning in MicroStrategy 10. Navigate to the System Definitions folder under Web Configuration Settings. How to Perform Capacity. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of a computer and performs many of its main tasks. Enable the statistics logging for the project. This setting limits the number of concurrent jobs a user may have during a given session or connection. This section discusses how to analyze your users' requirements, and the ways you can configure and tune your system to meet. If the services are registered, it is much simpler to check status: # service kafka-zookeeper status # service consumer-iserver status Right-click on 'Administration' in MicroStrategy Desktop and select 'Start Server'. SSL must already be configured on the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. backtrace. Analyzes system performance over time using your choice of metrics. type: Puppeteer exporter. User session and project session analysis. reportViewMode. In the Login area, for LDAP Authentication, select the Enabled check box. 1. KB201630: How to change the Row Limit of a report that uses an Intelligent Cube. If a name is not specified, the command uses the default instance name. Run the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard: cd /opt/mstr/Microstrategy/bin. Then this file is used for Web, Library to communicated with IServer right? Then the file microstrategy. 3. The Intelligence server has entered MCM denial state, but recovers and then works as expected. This setting limits the time, in seconds, that users can remain idle before their MicroStrategy Intelligence Server session is ended. Analyzes system performance over time using your choice of metrics. MicroStrategy Web, statistics can be used to troubleshoot issues with hanging or slow performance of certain MicroStrategy objects, such as reports or prompts. This location is set during installation and cannot be changed. For more details, see KB442160. Speed is important because it affects the user experience. If your password was changed from the default of mstr123 update the parameter in your WEB-INF/microstrategy. com) to the hosts file of the Library server machine to manually resolve the iserver name. reg file (which is located in the Microstrategy home folder) "InstallName"="root@2015-10-21T10:09:23" needs to be changed to "InstallName"="root@" (in the HKEY_LOCAL. One of your most important jobs as a MicroStrategy system administrator is to find the balance that maximizes the use of your system's capacity to provide the best performance possible for the required number of users. x Statistics are enabled and a dashboard is executed the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server stats are incorrectly. Click Dependencies tab, the above 3 dependencies are listed. The third-party product(s) discussed in this technical note are manufactured by vendors independent of MicroStrategy. "rlim_fd_cur" specifies the “soft” limit on file descriptors that a single process can have open. In this knowledge-based article, we will review the next steps that you can take to obtain the log files and find the locations you will need. Frame Description Access, filter, publish, and extract data from MicroStrategy in-memory cubes. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN used to connect to the metadata repository. In reality, an . The license check takes place anytime within the next half hour of the time specified in the setting. MicroStrategy. KB485414: How to deal with Platform Analytics repository size increase rapidly in MicroStrategy 2020 and 2021. Open MicroStrategy for Office in Excel for the web or the Excel desktop application. Once the server definition has been changed, MicroStrategy Intelligence Server will start back up using the new server definition. Refer to the following Community article for details on how to increase this setting: How to set the maximum Java Heap Size value for JDBC source connectivity in MicroStrategy Developer and Web 10. Select the "exportMaxCellsPlainText" setting and modify the "Maximum" value under "Other. Re-run the Configuration Wizard and enabled TLS. Right-click a project and choose Properties. Click the Add button. We tried all your suggestion but we still had the problem. x and 10. In-store and online. x, the limit is 2 TB (2097152 MB) On MicroStrategy 11. x, the Web Pool Size setting does perform any action or hold to it’s defined value. 1 and above on Windows and Linux operating systems. Edit All Server-Level Settings. browser cache etc is all cleared even tried with re-installing library server. There's a reason we're at the top of the list. Computation is separate from storage, which enables you to scale computation resources independently of the data storage in your system. Start the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. This will prompt to stop the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server process in order to create the new Server Definition. You should periodically reevaluate the system and update it based on. When creating the trust relationship through MIcroStrategy Office, the token for WS1 will be written into the common metadata for both Intelligence Server nodes. /mstrcfgwiz. Right-click a connected environment and choose Properties. The "status-iserver. xml" must either be edited, renamed, or deleted. provider). 11, 10. Setting this to a higher limit does not mean the memory will be set. This file can be found under: <install drive>Program FilesMicroStrategyIntelligence Server for a default installation of Microstrategy on Windows. Navigate to the System Definitions folder under Web Configuration Settings. xml file. The below steps can be used to deploy the MicroStrategyLibrary. 4. When installing MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal in Unix environment, user needs to specify the path for Home, Install and Log directory as below: As default, the Install and Log folders are under Home folder. x uses third party client libraries. By default, the cluster will be re-joined automatically as long as the cluster node was not shut down normally (e. Port number of the server. What is the reason for the. 2. It takes you from setting up and configuring MicroStrategy to security and administration. The MicroStrategy Listener will also check to see that MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is. 10, 10. Perform a single project test against one project. Significantly improves user-perceived query performance. The results of the Intelligent Cube reports can be used by multiple users and reports to avoid executing against the data warehouse. You will be able to: - connect to MicroStrategy Server. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microstrategy\Microstrategy Broadcast Server\7. Beginning in MicroStrategy 10. The MicroStrategy Listener will also check to see that MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is running as a. There are two ways to register the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server as a service: From the Configuration Wizard: on the Specify a Port Number page – “Register Intelligence Server as a Service option” needs to be checked; From the command line: in ~/MicroStrategy/bin by entering: mstrctl -s IntelligenceServer rsThe MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9. process. Why is this happening?When users try to start or stop MicroStrategy Intelligence Server from MicroStrategy Service Manager, nothing happens. The following article lists the settings that require MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 10. x instance using the following command from the bin folder of the MicroStrategy Home folder:. Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Names of all Telemetry Server machines in the cluster, or the name of sole the Telemetry Server machine that will be used if there is no clustering. This is working as designed. below. The user then updates the cube. Number of Views 5. Under Collections, click on the the “…” next to. properties file. The token file is created in the MicroStrategy Web Services deployment root directory when establishing a trust. Database Administration Tool. Click the MicroStrategy connector. Here at MicroStrategy, we want to ensure that our users have the information they need to get their platform up and running. xml' will be created and the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal should start normally. Drop Files. MicroStrategy Library fully supports Kerberos authentication in Windows on Tomcat. Note: Make your configuration changes to the configuration files located under the admin folder. x-10. xA user has set up MicroStrategy Web 9. Excel version. bat. The setting described below (ServerName) is NOT ONLY for the '&SERVERNAME' macro used in the history list URL. The start time for the Intelligent Cube publication should be noted first. The MicroStrategy Repository Administration tool’s backup operation is based on the database information in DBAdminConfig. /mstrctl -s IntelligenceServer stopSample URLs for exporting a Report Services document to PDF are shown below. The formula is: Production Capacity = Machine-Hour Capacity (MHC) / Hours to Produce One Product. instancename is the name of a server instance, where required. This technique is useful till 80%. To stop the server using this command, you would need to run the following command: “kill -9 PID” PID is the process ID of the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. Upload FilesOr drop files. Performance degradation occurs because the MicroStrategyWhen a cluster of MicroStrategy Intelligence Servers connects to MicroStrategy Web, the following behavior can be observed in the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page: All MicroStrategy Intelligence Servers in the cluster will be added as a single unit, as shown with the example above. MicroStrategy Library is a client application running on a desktop browser or a mobile device, whereas HyperIntelligence for Web is available as a Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser extension. Expand Intelligent Cubes, and then select General. Introduction Integrated Authentication to the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server utilizes the Kerberos authentication protocol to provide a Single Sign-On capability for MicroStrategy users connecting from Web or Developer from a Microsoft Active Directory environment. MicroStrategy Server Activation is a licensing technology that ensures that installations of MicroStrategy server products are authentic and have been legitimately licensed. Capacity Planning for Platform Analytics. x*. Edit the "status-iserver. MicroStrategy provides In-memory BI capabilities that leverage 64-bit operating systems to improve the overall performance of a BI system. Run the file mstr-repo-ondemand-dba-operations. The MicroStrategy SDK allows you to customize the standard MicroStrategy Web interface, and extend and integrate the MicroStrategy business intelligence functionality into other applications. disk availability is below the 80% capacity threshold. Windows from the command line, then perform the following steps: From the Windows Start menu, select Run. Server definitions can be listed, created, and set for use with a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9. The MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 9. In IIS, once Anonymous Access is configured, any web user will take an IUSR_machine_name account first as designed in IIS, so it will work for Standard Authentication users. Expand Intelligent Cubes, and then select General. There will most likely be a direct correlation between user load and resource consumption. Request timeout to check if the Intelligence Server is alive. For prior releases, either a cube was loaded, residing completely in RAM, or unloaded. The chart below shows how the statistics collection change from MicroStrategy version 9. Then this file is used for Web, Library to communicated with IServer right? Then the file microstrategy. The. The default value is 256 megabytes. Verify that the token file physically exists on the machine running MicroStrategy Web Services and that the token file is named according to the Intelligence Server machine name (I-SERVER_MACHINE_NAME. Users should therefore run the "Monitor. This example checks the preference WebPreferenceDpiConversion. 0. KB7295: What is the Memory Contract Manager in MicroStrategy Intelligence Server? PART 1. Speed is important because it affects the user experience. In the MicroStrategy Library Configuration box, enter. Enter the Intelligence Server address (IP or FQDN): Enter the port that the Intelligence Server service is running on. Select the database instance. 26K. In the left pane, click Caches and Cubes. Rename the file 'status-iserver. labs. 2. The Server Properties page opens and displays the following information about the Intelligence Server: Name and connection status. trusted. On Linux, all log files are stored in /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/log. MicroStrategy makes it easy for you to generate enterprise reporting, dashboards, scorecards, notifications, etc. 1 and aboveNote: Starting in MicroStrategy 11. To retrieve a list of services on a machine, use the command mstrctl -m machinename ls. The amount of data that the customer chooses to keep could have a corresponding cost to the customer. The default value is 256 megabytes. The following topics describe sizing guidelines to consider when you initially set up MicroStrategy. Configuring MicroStrategy and getting started. The user is the basic unit in the MicroStrategy security model. It performs the following critical tasks for the MicroStrategy BI platform: Runs queries, performs calculations, and formats reports. optional): If True, utilize optimal number of threads to increase the download speed. Follow the below steps to change your environment's Library URL. Enter the User Name and Password for the database. Server. Each segment executing in the MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server establishes one session or connection to the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. Crash data is automatically uploaded to microstrategy. x or 10. To start Intelligence Server service automatically (when it fails unexpectedly) using the Restarter: In the Server drop-down list, select the machine on which the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server service is installed. A database instance specifies connection information, such as the data source name, Login ID and password, and other data source specific information. Select one: To create a new security filter, click New. Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Intelligence Server\TLS. Downloading and installing MicroStrategy. To improve the data fetching performance for JDBC connections, Administrators can also increase the JNI Bridge Heap Space. The default value is 10. The book starts by detailing the different. On MicroStrategy 11. 1. Increase the upper limit on capacity for Aurora Serverless v2 DB instances by changing the maximum ACU value for the cluster. With the 10. Deploying a GCP instance. Step 5. There is one setting in the MicroStrategy Intelligence configuration, available in Developer and another one in the application server. Telcos need network capacity planning and optimization by correlating network usage, subscriber density, along with traffic and location data. On MicroStrategy 10. xml > isAliveRequestTimeoutMillis. Login information such as the user name, login ID, password, and password expiration date. KB235107: How to Embed a Custom Font Without Having to Install it on the Client Machines using MicroStrategy Web SDK 9. /mstrcfgwiz. x, join cluster fails or doesn't work fine if two nodes don't know each other’s' machine name. x*. Increasing the 'Maximum RAM for Working Set cache' setting will increase the possible limit amount of RAM that can be used by the Microstrategy Intelligence Server. This feature. The MicroStrategy SDK allows you to customize the standard MicroStrategy Web interface, and extend and integrate the MicroStrategy business intelligence functionality into other applications. 3. For example, if the RAM swap multiplier setting is 2 and the requested cache is 80 Kilobytes, 160 Kilobytes are swapped from memory to disk. trusted. Restart the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server to. The following topics describe sizing guidelines to consider when you initially set up MicroStrategy. Introduction Integrated Authentication to the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server utilizes the Kerberos authentication protocol to provide a Single Sign-On capability for MicroStrategy users connecting from Web or Developer from a Microsoft Active Directory environment. You can see this in the diagram in Testing an Environment for the First Time, or by looking at the Intelligence Servers on your MicroStrategy Web Administrator page. 2 (2020). (Min 2) Maximum number of renderer processes. DisconnectProjects. When the MicroStrategy Web 9. A database instance is a MicroStrategy object, created in MicroStrategy Developer by an administrator, that represents a connection to a data source. The Intelligence Server selection page opens. For example, if Initial Pool Size is two, when the first user logs in to MicroStrategy Web, a new. On the MicroStrategy Web server machine, access the IIS Internet Service Manager. war file on a default MicroStrategy Windows installation. Using absolute (fully qualified) URLs will work but require administrative maintenance to edit and correct URLs whenever MicroStrategy Web server names, MicroStrategy Intelligence Server names, or ports change (this can happen during migration from development to production). xml and open it with notepad, as shown below: Locate the project source name that should be changed. In MicroStrategy Developer, log in to a project source with administrative privileges. Solution Deploy the 2020 MicroStrategyLibrary. This allows the Intelligence Server to utilize the system memory resources. The MicroStrategy SDK allows you to customize the standard MicroStrategy Web interface, and extend >and integrate the MicroStrategy business intelligence functionality into other applications. Although it is possible to use the Microsoft Access database. (Min 2) Maximum number of renderer processes. Select Configure Intelligence Server, and click Next. Increase Maximum RAM for working set cache setting from Server Configuration > Governing Settings > Default > Memory Settings Disable “Web User Session Recovery on Logout” setting from Intelligence Server configuration > Governing Rules > Temporary Storage Settings To increase the limit of number of cells that MicroStrategy Web will allow to export to plain text follow the following steps: Create a new plugin the Web Customization Editor. xml file. If some Intelligence Server nodes are/were down, you can start them first and then restart Library Server. The MicroStrategy Internal Reference number is DE50391. With MicroStrategy Web, business users perform any of or all the major styles of BI - Scorecards and Dashboards, Enterprise Reporting, OLAP Analysis, Predictive Analysis, and Alerts and Proactive Notification - within a single, unified Web interface.